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Assessment and Academic Integrity Policy Site policy All users


Dear APC Student,  

In order to access the Moodle site you must accept the following notice. You will only have to do this once. 

Full policy

The APC Assessment and Academic Integrity Policy outlines the requirements for students in relation to academic Integrity and acceptable use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their training and assessment. 

 As an RTO, the APC is obliged to respond appropriately to academic misconduct. The APC considers behaviours such as cheating and the use of AI as Risk Rating 3, which is the highest-level breach of the Assessment and Academic Integrity Policy.   

 Penalties for a Risk Rating 3 breach may include expulsion from the APC with the student being barred from enrolling in further courses with APC, or economic penalties such as having to pay to repeat a unit.   

 To assist you with understanding assessment guidelines and the safe use of AI in your studies you can view the Assessment and Academic Integrity policy on our website:  

 Thank you,  

The APC Team  


By clicking "I agree to the Assessment and Academic Integrity Policy" below, you are acknowledging you have read and understood the Assessment and Academic Integrity Policy, and you are acknowledging your understanding that using cheating and using AI in assessment tasks is considered academic misconduct.